I thought it would be a nice idea to share with all you lovely people books that I have read and found useful. Some I have devoured and become ambassadors for the cause in the book, others I’ve taken something useful from but might wonder about the relevancy of some of it or plain disagree with the ideas. There are many other books that I have read that I didn’t get anything out of, stood against my values or were just pain wrong – I won’t list those! But all these books have part of the journey of my self-discovery and self-development since the start of 2019. I hope you are also inspired by something you read in them too – let me know!
Part of my library
Start With Why – Simon Sinek
Leaders Eat Last – Simon Sinek
I love Simon Sinek and what he says. He may not be the originator of a lot of what he teaches but he puts it all together in a package that is easy to understand and is inspirational. I thoroughly recommend these two books explaining his ideas on the psychology behind leadership.
Quiet – Susan Cain
A book about the power of introverts but it is way more detailed than that. The biggest questions that reading this book posed to me was ‘how do we prevent only extroverts becoming leaders?’
Bounce – Matthew Syed
The talent myth and that it takes lots of practice on the bits you find challenging to be truly good at something (the ‘10,000 hours’).
This Is Going To Hurt – Adam Kay
A lot of parallels with the vet profession.
Being Mortal – Atual Gwande
Examination of the attitudes to death and how we should be having more open discussions about it.
Complications – Atual Gwande
This particular book is about surgical checklists and quality improvements in general.
The Art of Happiness – Dalai Lama and Howard C. Carter
Invisible Women – Caroline Criado Perez
I read this is the summer of 2020 at the height of the pandemic and it brought home to me the institutional gender bias that pervades all of our lives through male default bias. The pandemic highlighted the differences even more. Unfortunately this book doesn’t really offer any solutions beyond collecting gender data.
We Should All Be Feminists – Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie
A short read but should be essential reading for men and women.
The Virgin Way – Richard Branson
The Chimp Paradox – Dr Steve Peters
About how are brains are hard-wired to act in certain ways in certain circumstances, but also how to overcome this.
Emotional Intelligence – Daniel Goldman
Not a book , but the leadership stream at BSAVA 2018 by Katherine Eitel, available as podcasts to BSAVA members
Generation Me – Jean M. Twenge
Books on mindfulness, mental wellness and related
The Wild Remedy – Emma Mitchell. I found out recently that Emma has a sister who is a vet.
Sane New World, A Mindfulness Guide for the Frazzled and How to be Human by Ruby Wax
Sunny Side Up by Susan Calman
Perspectives on life and living
Man’s Search for Meaning – Viktor Frankl
An astronaut’s guide to life on earth – Chris Hadfield
On my ‘to read’ pile
Atomic Habits by James Clear
Mindset by Dr Carol Dweck
Dare to Lead by Rene Brown – I love her TED talks
Lean in by Sheryl Sandberg
Black box thinking by Matthew Syed
Why We Sleep by Matthew Walker – read 2020, interesting though hardly surprising that the biggest take away is that we all need to sleep more and treat it more seriously!
Be a free range human by Marianne Cantwell
The Values Factor by Dr John Demartini
Your best year yet by Jinny Ditzler
The death of expertise by Tom Nichols
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